Liberty House

Liberty House


Non-Profit GroupHuman Resource Services

About Us

Liberty House is a child abuse assessment center serving Marion and Polk Counties - the only place providing special assessment services in a safe, comfortable, child-friendly environment.
Since 1999, Liberty House has provided child-focused, high quality assessment services to children when adults are concerned that they may have been hurt by sexual abuse, physical abuse or neglect. With compassion and expertise, medical providers conduct complete medical examinations for the children coming to Liberty House. Specially trained child interviewers also help children talk about what has happened to them in a neutral and sensitive manner to ensure the objectivity of the assessment and the wellbeing of the child.

Video Media


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Liberty House Child Advocacy Center

Rep/Contact Info

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Adrienne Christian
Prevention Outreach Coordinator
  • Phone: (971) 599-5876
Alison Kelley
  • Phone: (503) 540-0407