104.3 FM & AM 1220 KSLM, Reliable News Talk Radio
Radio Stations
9:00am - 5:00pm
About Us
AM 1220 & 104.3 FM
The Voice of the Valley!
Salem's only AM & FM radio station, broadcasting current, credible and consistent news to Salem and surrounding communities. With many of the top 10 conservative show hosts in the nation, KSLM is reaching our listeners with the truth; broadcasting national show hosts such as Dan Bongino, Dana Loesch, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Mike Gallagher, Ben Shapiro, Dave Ramsey, and local show hosts such as Jeff Kropf and Amanda Smith.
Launching their new program, Podcast-to-Broadcast, KSLM is providing local voices an opportunity to reach our community with their message. Offering a platform to broadcast local high-quality, unique content - for those, and by those - in Salem and surrounding communities, we bring awareness for The Voices of the Valley.


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