Mid-Willamette Valley Public Safety & Crime Discussion
Next month, the Keizer Chamber, Dallas Chamber & Salem Chamber’s are partnering to provide a Public Safety & Crime Discussion. Members are invited to join us for a discussion on public safety and crime in the Mid-Willamette Valley. Our speakers will be Marion County District Attorney, Paige Clarkson, Marion County Sheriff, Joe Kast, Polk County District Attorney Aaron Felton, and Polk County Sheriff Mark Garton.
Many of our members have reached out to our organization with concerns on the rise in crime in our community and have shared the impacts it has had on their businesses. We will here directly from our local elected officials who represent our community needs as they pertain to public safety and share with us their plans to address the rise in crime and the issues which have lead to public safety concerns.
Both Marion and Polk County Commissioners will be in attendance as well.
Please follow this link to register. There are only 100 open seats. https://business.salemchamber.org/events/details/public-policy-6023
Next month’s meeting will be on Monday, May 2 from 3:00pm-5:00pm, in person at the Chemeketa Small Business Development Center. This special event will take the place of our monthly meeting which usually takes place on Zoom on the first Thursday of each month. We will have limited capacity, so please sign-up soon. For those of our members who are unable to attend in person, we will be live streaming this event on Facebook so members may access the event virtually.

Date and Time
Monday May 2, 2022
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM PDT
May 2, 2022
3:00pm to 5:00pm
Chemeketa Small Business Development Center
626 High St NE
Salem, OR 97303