Local Candidate and Library Measure Forum
The City of Keizer's Neighborhood Associations will be hosting a local candidate and issue forum in the Conference Center at the Keizer City Hall.
Candidates for Keizer City Council, Mayor, Oregon Legislature, Congressional District 6, Marion County Commissioners and the Yes for Keizer Public Library will be available to chat, give brief presentations and answer some questions.
Jonathan Thompson, Vice-Chair for the Northeast Keizer NA and Governmental Affairs Committee Chair for the Keizer Chamber of Commerce will be the Master of Ceremonies for the forum.

Date and Time
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
6:00 PM - 8:30 PM PDT
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Conference Center at the Keizer City Hall
930 Chemawa Rd N
Keizer, OR 97303
Contact Information
Hersch Sangster NW Keizer NA
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