Keizer Fire District Bloomin' Iris Days Breakfast
The Keizer Volunteer Firefighters Association will hold its annual Breakfast on Sunday, May 19, 2024 at the Keizer Fire Station, 661 Chemawa Rd. NE in Keizer. Hours of the breakfast are 7:30 AM to 11:30 AM.
The menu includes all of the pancakes, eggs, and ham you can eat. Milk, coffee and orange juice will also be served.
Cost for this year's breakfast is $9.00 for adults and $6.00 for seniors and children 5-12. Children under 5- free.
Give Mom the morning off and join the Firefighters of the Keizer Fire District for breakfast on this very special day.
Proceeds from this popular annual event go to programs and events sponsored by the Keizer Volunteer Firefighters Association.
Contact Info: Contact: Anne-Marie Storms, Deputy Fire Marshal
Phone: (503) 390-9111
Email: astorms@keizerfire.com

Date and Time
Sunday May 19, 2024
7:30 AM - 11:30 AM PDT
Cost for this year's breakfast is $9.00 for adults and $6.00 for seniors and children 5-12 years of age. Free for children under 5.
Contact Information
Anne-Marie Storms, Deputy Fire Marshal: (503) 390-9111
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