Willamette Valley Navy Week
KEIZER, Oregon – The City of Keizer will participate in Willamette Valley Navy Week during the week of September 25th, 2023 through October 1st, 2023, joining one of 15 Navy Weeks nationwide taking place this year. The U.S. Navy will bring a variety of assets, equipment and personnel to Keizer. Navy Week is an outreach event designed to provide an opportunity to learn about the Navy, its people, and its importance.
Navy parachute jumpers, including a Navy Seal, will land on the McNary High School football field between 12:00 and 12:40 pm on Tuesday September 26th. Sailors will be in Keizer on September 27th visiting McNary High School Students, performing community service, and engaging with Civic Leaders and the community.
Rear Admiral Charles “Mike” Brown, Reserve Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare, will accept a proclamation from Mayor Cathy Clark on September 27th at 8 am at the Keizer Community Center at 930 Chemawa Road. Community members can enjoy free live music by a Navy Chamber Quartet at the proclamation ceremony.
Later that evening McNary High School baseball and softball players will join navy sailors for a friendly game of softball for 1 hour at the Volcanoes Stadium beginning at 6 pm. The friendly game will be followed by a Navy pop performance group at 7 pm. All events are free and open to the public.
Mayor Cathy Clark said, “We are honored and excited that the United States Navy has chosen Salem and Keizer to host one of their Navy Week Programs. Everyone is invited to join us at these public venues to celebrate our United States Navy.”
For more information, visit: https://outreach.navy.mil/Navy-Weeks/Willamette-Valley-2023/
Monday Sep 25, 2023 Sunday Oct 1, 2023
September 25th through October 1st
Various locations in the Keizer and Salem area
Printed courtesy of www.keizerchamber.com – Contact the Keizer Chamber of Commerce and Information Center for more information.
Monday- Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM , Keizer, OR 97303 – (503) 393-9111 – info@keizerchamber.com