4th Annual Golf for Hope Tournament
We are excited to host our 4th annual golf tournament at McNary Golf course. This event helps Acres of Hope Youth Ranch to raise funds and spread awareness so we can keep our sessions offered at no cost to the families we serve. AOH serves hurting and traumatized youth through working with horses, quality long term mentorship and prayer.
For the benefit of hurting teens
Saturday Sep 23, 2023
12:30 PM - 6:00 PM PDT
September 23rd, 2023
12:30pm Shotgun start
McNary Golf Course
Printed courtesy of www.keizerchamber.com – Contact the Keizer Chamber of Commerce and Information Center for more information.
Monday- Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM , Keizer, OR 97303 – (503) 393-9111 – info@keizerchamber.com