2nd Annual Summer at the 45th
Join us for a FREE vendor event featuring 100's of our local small businesses in and around Salem!!
Come by and enjoy a great day of shopping, tasting delicious food and treats from our restaurants/bakery and visiting food trucks and check out the dozens of small businesses located in the 45th Parallel Building in Northeast Salem.
Com shop and support the best of our local business community!!
Saturday Jul 22, 2023
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM PDT
July 22, 2023
45th Parallel Building
2195 Hyacinth St NE
Salem, OR
Printed courtesy of www.keizerchamber.com – Contact the Keizer Chamber of Commerce and Information Center for more information.
Monday- Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM , Keizer, OR 97303 – (503) 393-9111 – info@keizerchamber.com